My goal is to forge connections and inspire through illustration. I aim to evoke curiosity and delight, inviting viewers to explore illustrated worlds filled with quirky characters, everyday scenes, and intricate details.
By infusing relatable qualities into these worlds, I aim to resonate with viewers' personal narratives.
I believe that integrating rough and organic elements into illustrations adds a distinctive charm. Features like rough outlines and splotchy shapes imbue character and warmth, steering away from a rigid digital feel.
This approach aims to infuse the work with a friendly aesthetic, resonating more with the imperfect lines of a ballpoint pen than the precision of a vectored outline.
In the initial phases of my process, I embrace exploration, generating a multitude of ideas to push beyond surface-level concepts. I believe in exploring multiple ways to express an idea through illustration.
The iterative process allows ideas to fully take shape and permits new ones to emerge when needed.